The best possible upgrade for a BBC Micro is adding a flash cartridge to it, which allows you to select from over 500 floppy disk images and boot them instantly. The menu that comes with this awesome toy is a tad fiddly to edit, not to mention specific to a particular set of disks. I have solved none of these problems. I have however created a new mmb file, with an arguably better selection of games, with less text adventures and a graphical menu to aid navigation. Making the menu took much longer than it should have done and the people in my life who suspect I waste my time in front of a computer now have physical evidence. The menu can switch between graphical and text by pressing any number key. You can also advance to a specific page by pressing any letter key, which will take you to the first page with games starting with that letter. One day I will rewrite the display code in 6502, but that's a dumb project for another day.
Badly drawn MODE 7 ultragraphics.
Come and grab the archive, and try it out on your Beeb. I haven't tested *all* 500 games, so if there are serious omissions, mistakes or loading problems, give me a shout and I'll update the file. If I've left out an absolute classic of the BBC era, do drop me a line. The missing games I know about are Dunjunz, which comes on a double sided disk, Level 9 adventures which require two disks, and Granny's Garden, which is still being sold today. Any advice about splitting .dsd files welcome.!9od12AqS!5Rc3zDpNd2NDXZPOMArlSSpCCn4XHQPdq1d572XaLLw
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